Persistent Companion Roster:
Erik Tarnlar is a long-time friend of the player. He grew up in Red Larch and is a cleric. He will be a romanceable companion for female players. I am working on adding the prestige class of Shining Blade to him.
Karena Tarnlar is Erik's sister and a long-time friend of the player as well. She has become a druid, following in her mother's footsteps...though her mother has been missing for years now. I hope to add the Lion of Talisid prestige class to her, since it would suit her personality perfectly. She will be a romanceable companion for male players.

Trent is a rogue that hopefully will become a Nightsong Enforcer. He'll try sweeping any female player off her feet with his charm, but she might want to be a bit wary around him. ;)
Ming-na is a sorceress that is as skilled with her magic as she is with her wit. She will be a romanceable companion for any male players ready to take her fiery personality on. :)
Update #1: January 16th, 2008
Ramina is a bard from Yartar who has agreed to accompany the player to supposedly collect information for a new that so? What we do know is that she will be a romanceable companion and possibly evolve into a Stormsinger.
Here is a picture of another companion, a wild elf by the name of Celendir...though he will not be a persistent one like the others above. He is determined to destroy the drow for murdering his brother...
Update #2: January 21, 2008
It looks as if Celendir might not be able to accompany the player. His sister, Ganamiel is insisting that she be the one to avenge their brother. Let the battle begin!
Update #3: January 22, 2008
Our final persistent companion will be the half-elf, Logan, a fighter/wizard all the way from Mirabar. He is training to become a bladesinger, after his elven mother. His father is a powerful human who sits on the Council in Mirabar.

They look good.
Thanks, Delak! I hope people enjoy having them as companions - they certainly have a mind of their own. :)
Are you using a hak for Karena's corset? I'll definitely try my luck with that one. ;)
Awesome update!
Thanks and yes, that outfit is from a hak, Aleanne's female clothing pack #4. I thought it really suited a druid. :)
Oh, watch out for her brother, Erik,...he can be quite protective and he's got a shining blade! ;>
Brother, eh? Hmmm...Oh, who's this?! A bard even - Ramina 4-eva!
Also, forgot to add: Nice touch with adding PrC ambitions to the companions!
LOL! Ramina-4-eva! Good one!
Thanks for the compliments on the PrC additions. It is more complex to add them in than I thought it would be, but Kaedrin has been a big help. He's been editing the dialog.tlk to accommodate class packages for the PrC's using Grinning Fool's Creature Creator. It's not a foolproof method, but with some tweaking, it should get the job done. :)
Very nice. I'm looking forward to this mod.
That's what I call an update! You must have out a great amount of time into all those companions. They really make want to play the game - NOW! Great stuff Lady E!
Thanks, Ernie! I am glad that you are looking forward to it. I hope you enjoy it!
Amraphael, I appreciate the compliments and yes, I've put a lot of thought into the companions. I really think it adds to the RPG experience to play along with characters that have their own opinions and motivations!
I love Ramina's hair! The companions all look quite unique. Very nice :)
Thanks for the compliments! I like Ramina's hair too - thank goodness for custom content makers. :)
Yes, these look great. Exciting stuff!
Your comments are much appreciated, Maerduin!
Oh no...looks like Celendir's sister is vying for attention. She is demanding to accompany the player and she won't take no for an answer. She vows to avenge her brother. I pity the fool that tries to get in Ganamiel's way...those arcane archers can be pretty deadly, if you know what I mean!
Is it just me, or do companions almost come alive once created? Sure does seem so! ;>
Logan actually looks kind of cute but I could be biased. ;)
I happen to think so too, Briesence. ;>
Thanks for all of your hard work!
So, the question now is will Logan be a romance option for female players?
The Half Elf heads were actually the easiest of all the heads I've done. Even the eye animation problems, once I figured out what was causing the problem, only took about a minute (really) to fix.
Yes, he sure will be a romanceable companion - I am sort of working out his personality still! :)
I am glad it wasn't too tough for you to create and I hope you'll work on more heads! The Genasi males could use a little help... ;>
Well, by the looks Ming-na is my favorite. And she's a spellcaster with a temper so that settles it! :)
Keep up the good work Lady E
No comment on anything to do with the Genasi.
Amraphael, I think you'll enjoy feisty Ming-na...she definitely has almost come alive with her personality. I found the perfect voice set for her and have incorporated some of the verbal insults right into her dialog! ;>
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