Tupoun has just released an amazing hak on the Vault with several hundred placeables to create your own unique city area. I will be using it to create both Triboar and Yartar...thank you, Tupoun!
Here is a picture of my PC exploring the sample module of his using the City Hak placeables (sorry the pic is a bit dark but I wanted to catch the moon in the background). Can't wait to use them for my cities! Long Live Tupoun!
Thank you for pointing out the CityHak. Great stuff! I'll use some placeables from it to get some variation to my mines. For this mod i don't need the buildings but this is a high quality HAK for every serious builder. And I have to remember to vote for it...
You're welcome, Amraphael! Unfortunately, Tupoun is getting lots of heat since he used some textures and buildings from Oblivion, as well as created others through his inspiration from Oblivion. You might want to hold off voting until things get sorted out.
Thank you for pointing out the CityHak. Great stuff! I'll use some placeables from it to get some variation to my mines. For this mod i don't need the buildings but this is a high quality HAK for every serious builder. And I have to remember to vote for it...
You're welcome, Amraphael! Unfortunately, Tupoun is getting lots of heat since he used some textures and buildings from Oblivion, as well as created others through his inspiration from Oblivion. You might want to hold off voting until things get sorted out.
Bleh, I hate it when the community attacks itself.
I posted a couple of WIP shots of the Genasi so take a look and tell me what you think.
Me too and I'll go for bachelor #3 please! ;>
Of course that has nothing to do with the fact that Bachelor #3 bears a passing resemblance to Harrison Ford right?
Harrison Ford? Why, you're right. He does resemble Harrison! How about that... ;>
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