Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Harp & Chrysanthemum Mini-Review

This is the module that I am currently playing and man, what an awesome game it has been so far. The battles are challenging, the dialogue superb as well as the characterization of the companions. But, nothing compares to the beautiful atmosphere of the areas, the music, and even custom loadscreens -- an enjoyable experience not to be missed!

Once I am finished, I will be voting at the Vault... it is shaping up to be one of my favourites, next to the NHiN series. You can find it on the Vault at:

Maerduin's Blog can be found at:

Update: April 7, 2008

Congratulations to Maedruin for winning module of the year 2007 at the Vault for this module - well-deserved, I'd say!


Nalencer said...

Yes, this one's at the top of my list too.

Ryshara said...

Glad that you like it...keep an eye out for the sequel to Night Howls in Neverwinter. I have been helping Jackyo and the rest of the NHiN team for the past few months. Looks to be an amazing mod too! Love it how we are getting more and more mods created for NWN2 as well as custom content by the community.

Ernie Noa said...

This is a great mod indeed.

On a few unrelated notes, thank you for the reciprocal link to my blog. :-)

You also got me thinking about skyboxes. I found a tutorial you referenced and may attempt it for my next mod. Thanks!

Zach Holbrook said...

Thank you, ladyelvenstar, for the nice review. I really appreciate it! I'm also looking forward to what the NHiN team is up to.

Ryshara said...

Meant every word, Maerduin! Hope you never stop creating mods.

Yes, I am eager for the release of NHiN2... Jackyo has it almost ready for early testing. Then we wrap up any final details (I can go back and do any finishing touches on exteriors that I did).

Tania Kline said...

Gratefuul for sharing this