Now that the latest versions of Neverwinter Nights 2 supports custom portraits, I've been playing around with several portraits trying to find one for each companion that matches the look and personality of their character.
I've found a few that sort of come close to what I am looking for, but some day it would be great to have a talented artist draw one for each that really brings out their personalities.
Here's a screenshot of several companions (Trent, Erik and Logan) with their latest custom portraits - subject to change if I find better alternative portraits.
Tutorial: I place all of the 128x128 .tga portrait images in the My Documents /Neverwinter Nights 2/ portraits folder and then referenced them in the toolset under the companions' property tab - under "custom portrait" without the .tga extension.
For example, Logan's portrait is logan_1.tga and I would use the text "logan_1" in the Custom Portrait slot.
A great place to get ready made portraits are at the Vault: Special thanks to Coli for his portrait packs as well as the Skullport one by Laurna.
To make your own, an excellent resource is DeviantArt.com - ask the artist's permission before using his or her work if possible. You can edit an image using Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop by cropping it to the required 128x128 size.
Update on April 16, 2008 : Here are the custom portraits (image temporarily removed) that I am using so far for the companions of A Time to Die. All credit goes towards the artists who designed each portrait - I got them off the Neverwinter Nights Vault.
I'd like to get an artist to help me redo the ones for Logan, Ming-na, and perhaps, Ganamiel. I am happy with the rest of them since they fit the personalities and looks perfectly. You can find more information on the companions of A Time to Die on this page of my blog.
Update May 1, 2008
DeviantArt.com says I am violating copyrights by posting the portraits on their site - so I am temporarily removing the portraits here too until I confirm permission from all the artists involved. Special thanks to Elysius for helping me with several of the portraits (Logan and Ming-na so far.)
Nicely done Lady E :) great portraits.
Thanks and long time no speak! :)
I am trying to entice an artist to draw me custom portraits that match each personality to a tee... but these are a good alternative. :D
Looks quite nice. I recognise some of the people in the portraits... who are they all?
The outdoor area also looks very pretty, and a full complement of companions sounds fantastic!
Your companions are hot! Good looking people you worked in there. :)
You, Wyrin and MotB are really making me think again about portraits. I never really cared much for them before now, but I do recognize they add a touch of artistry.
@amstradhero - thanks and I know I am using a portrait for one of the Lord of the Rings characters for now (hopefully an artist will help me make something more original!)
I appreciate the compliments on my area design and I hope you enjoy the game. I'll post an update with a link to an explanation of the companions.
@E.C - yep, I made them hot since if I have to play the game over and over while testing, I might as well have something to look at! Just kidding...
I wanted to create a group of people that would have some romance, jealousy as well as betrayal mixed in. :)
Very nice. Great portraits. I heard Liso comment about your mod on this weeks Neverwinter Podcast. She sounded pretty excited. I can't wait to see the final result. When I've got my module finished I'll have a nice pile of modules to play through.
Hey Ernie! Yes, she told me that she mentioned my mod on the Podcast and I was truly honoured! I haven't had a chance to listen yet though...
Nice to see liso is excited about the project and she is going to help me with some of the dialog (she sees how overwhelmed I am getting at the thought of writing for so many companions - LOL!)
I believe she said 10 companions in part 3... ;)
*LadyE whips out her very sharp crystalline soul-shattering sword and points it at Kaedrin* - oops, that was just a dream! :D
I actually do have 10 companions, I just haven't mention the other two yet. LOL!
That's a whole lot o' dialog. Good luck! And watch where you point that sword.
Hi, LadyElvenStar. I tried my hand at painting a portrait of Ming-Na. If you'd like to see it, you can send me your email address via PM at the Neverwinter Forums. (My user name is Elysius.) If you like the portrait, I can try painting Logan next.
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